Lawson Heights Community Association is a volunteer run not-for-profit membership organization established to promote a sense of community and enhance the quality of life for residents of our vibrant neighbourhood.
Lawson Heights Community Profile
Lawson Heights Suburban Centre Community Profile
What does LHCA do?
- LHCA hosts special events in the community:
- WinterFest & Skate with the Saskatoon Blades in January or February
- North-end Community Garage Sale in May
- LHCA owns and operates the outdoor rinks at Lawson Heights School and St. George School in accordance with City of Saskatoon regulations.
- LHCA offers sport, culture, and recreational programs at minimal cost.
- LHCA provides financial support for local improvements:
- Playground renewal at Lawson Heights School
- Lawson Heights Community Garden in Umea Park
- LHCA represents the interests of neighbourhood in discussions with the City of Saskatoon and other agencies.
Board Meetings:
We typically have monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of the month (September through June) at 8:00 PM in Lawson School library. New members are always welcome to come to a meeting to see how we operate or to ask questions. Send us an email at or message us on Facebook to learn more.

We rely on the talents and time of volunteers to carry out our programs. From youth sports coaches to event volunteers to our Board members, we couldn’t do much without our volunteers. Send us an email at or message us on Facebook to learn more.
See our current Board of Directors and position descriptions.
Consider volunteering at our annual WinterFest and spring Family Fun Day events.