Role: Oversees finances for the association.
- Maintain financial records of the LHCA in accordance with general accounting practices
- Present monthly financial statements at community association meetings
- Coordinate the preparation of the annual budget
- Deposit revenue
- Pay bills
- Prepare cash floats needed for events and activities
- Assist with grant applications to City of Saskatoon and other external agencies
- Prepare annual financial statements for annual general meeting
- Liaise with LHCA’s chosen accounting firm in preparation of annual financial statement
- Act as co-signatory on cheques and documents drawn on association funds
Time Commitment: Moderate – Year-round.
- Monthly Board Meetings
- Balancing transactions and financial statements
- Assist with LHCA activities
Skills Preferred: Basic banking knowledge is required, financial bookkeeping experience is helpful but not required, experience with spreadsheets and Wave accounting software would be helpful.