Our latest newsletter is being delivered throughout the community this week. In case you can’t wait or if you don’t get a copy delivered, we’ve posted the digital version here. June 2015 LHCA newsletter

Lawson Heights Community Association
People. Place. Participation.
Our latest newsletter is being delivered throughout the community this week. In case you can’t wait or if you don’t get a copy delivered, we’ve posted the digital version here. June 2015 LHCA newsletter
Check out our winter 2014 newsletter with information about our January 2015 programs. LHCA newsletter Dec 2014 (PDF)
The September 2014 Lawson Heights Herald is now available for download.
Here is the June 2014 LHCA newsletter. Enjoy.
The latest LHCA newsletter has been distributed to the schools, is being delivered throughout the community (where volunteers have been willing to do so – thanks!) and is available here online. Download the Winter 2014 Newsletter Thanks to Tanya our newsletter coordinator for another excellent newsletter!